Upcoming tours
Winter Adventure
1 to 8 March 2025
This trip offers a combination of Caucasian high-mountain specialties and huge numbers of wintering birds, with the potential of finding a number of highly-wanted West Palearctic rarities!
Caucasus Royal
5 to 15 May 2025
This trip to Georgia and Armenia takes you through snow-covered mountains, vast steppes and desert-like gorges. You will come home with a stunning list of species that includes most of the highlights of the region.
Crested HB Week
14 to 21 Sep 2025
The mid of September brings the largest diversity of raptors to Batumi, including 7 species of eagle. It is also the best time to find the Crested Honey Buzzard, a major rarity for which Batumi is probably the best place in the West Palearctic.
There are few places on earth where bird migration is as impressive as in Batumi. In 2008, the first Batumi Raptor Count made headlines when over 800,000 raptors were counted at this poorly known bottleneck. Since then, hundreds of birders have visited the place, and its fame has continued to grow.

Georgia, Armenia,
Azerbaijan & East Turkey
The Caucasus
The Caucasus has a lot more to offer in terms of birding and nature than just the Batumi migration spectacle. Breathtaking landscapes, a profoundly hospitable culture and excellent Caucasian endemics make it a must-see for any birder. Batumi Birding offers tours throughout the region, encompassing Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and East Turkey.